Minimize sources inown environment
After asking ourselves questions, seeking answers, and forming our own opinions, we can begin to take action.
The first and simplest measure is:
Minimize sources in one’s own environment as much as possible.
High frequency electromagnetic waves
In DECT cordless phones (Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications), the base station continuously transmits at the same peak power (peak). It does not matter whether a call is being made or not. Even if no call is being made at the moment, the base station constantly emits a ready signal. All DECT signals are pulsed periodically at a pulse frequency of 100 Hz.
Older DECT telephones are continuous emitters. Therefore, we recommend using a corded telephone.
If a DECT telephone cannot be avoided, we recommend one with the additional designations “ECO Mode plus”, “fulleco” or “Full ECO Mode”.
These are DECT phones whose base station only transmits during the call. After the call, no standby signal is transmitted, regardless of the position of the handset (even outside the charging cradle).
For more information, see
DECT babyphone work with pulsed high-frequency microwaves – and that as a continuous transmitter.
Most devices generate considerable electrosmog. Therefore, they are not suitable for the nursery.
You can find more information at
WLAN router
Refrain from turning on the wifi function on your router and rather use a wired network infrastructure.
Energy-saving light bulbs
They should not be used in bedrooms, children’s rooms or living rooms because they emit high-frequency radiation in the radio wave range.
High-voltage halogen lamps can be a substitute. They reduce your energy consumption by up to 50%.
Low-frequency alternating electric and magnetic fields
Induction stoves
Öko-TEST expert Wolfgang Maes advises against induction stoves because the magnetic fields they emit are much stronger than those of conventional electric stoves. While conventional stoves are operated with 50 Hz alternating current, induction stoves have electronically controlled operating frequencies of 20 to 50 kHz as well as so-called harmonics.
If unsuitable or too small pots are used, magnetic fields are generated that can exceed the reference values. This has been proven by the Federal Office for Radiation Protection during measurements at a distance of 10 to 20 cm from the induction stove.
Pregnant women, children and people with pacemakers in particular should take care not to stay in front of an induction hob for longer than necessary. Since the exposure is already significantly lower at a distance of 1 m, care should be taken to maintain an appropriate distance.
You can find more information at www.ö
Electrical devices
We recommend unplugging appliances when they are no longer needed. This will eliminate the alternating electric field. Also, a distance of about 1.0 to 1.5 meters from the devices reduces exposure to alternating electric fields by up to 90 percent.
The alternating magnetic fields only occur when the devices are switched on.
If possible, keep your distance. With distance, the alternating magnetic field is reduced to a minimum.
Static fields
Humidity should be increased to approximately 50 to 60 percent RH.
Use shoes with natural leather soles. If possible, do not use synthetic floor coverings, but natural coverings.
Home textiles such as “Voile Ecologa” or “Linon” are antistatic due to their conductivity.
Now we will turn to the last step, shielding.