Seminars and cooperation
Seminar E-Smog
Shielding for electrosmog
This seminar deals specifically with high and low frequency.
Why do different building materials behave differently in the presence of electric fields?
How is effective technical shielding carried out?
These seminars are particularly interesting for:
- Architects
- property developers
- Craftsmen
- Persons who have bought a property or a real estate/apartment
To be announced
1 day 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Special features:
Size of the group - max. 10 participants
With this knowledge, the necessary protective measures can be integrated directly into the structure of the house or flat.
Would you like to know more about electrosmog or shielding? Please feel free to call us. We invite you to visit our seminars
Building, Renovation, Refurbishment
Together we can achieve more!
Are you an architect, construction planner, general contractor, electrician or painter and upholsterer?
We offer you a cooperation in which all parties involved win, including the future users of the real estate. Make your company the exclusive pioneer for conscious and, above all, electrosmog-free building by cooperating with Ecologa.
Your advantages:
- Development of new business areas
- Reactivation of existing customers
- Innovation through progress
- The trademark of environmental foresight
- New customer referrals
- Expansion of the range of services
- Ensuring your competitiveness
Benefits for your customers:
- New ways to live and build without electrosmog
- Promote health
- No costly changes, because the customer has been informed about all his options
- Safety and an electrosmog free house from the very beginning
The advantages for us:
- With you we have a strong partner for our projects.
- Simplification of procedures thanks to your expertise
- Development of new fields of activity
You are interested in a cooperation and want to know more? Please feel free to call us. We will discuss everything in detail.